Will fit ANY boat lift that has a wheel.

Up to 7,000 pound capacity. AC 110 Volt (House Current) The RED L.E.D. will continue to flash on and off while hooked up to AC power. This is normal.When you first start to operate the system, the RED L.E.D. will stay on for about 2 seconds then go off. This is normal.


  • When operating the system in the up mode and the RED L.E.D. stays on, this means that the current limit has been reached and this will shorten the life of your system.
  • Price point Manual switch.
  • Installs in 20 minutes or less.
  • We guarantee that if you replace your wheel with one of our drive motors you will use your boat more.
  • Lift Tech Marine offers a 2 year warranty against manufacture defects on all of our boat lift motors.

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Our long lasting aluminum vinyl UltraBunk® can be adjusted up or down, from bow to stern and toed in or out to better fit your vessels hull.

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