Perfect for small to medium sized bodies of water up to 2 foot waves.
Accommodates boat sizes up to 30 feet.
Ideal for residential uses.
Our DockinaBox® Heavy Duty Floating Dock Series systems are manufactured with the strongest substructure in the industry. Our superior design increases buoyancy and provides maximum stability so that corner dips are reduced.
Our heavy duty 100% recyclable polyethylene plastic floats for use in deep water situations where pipe docks can’t go or as an extension to your pipe dock. Our DockinaBox® Heavy Duty floating Dock Series is made so stable that corner dips are virtually eliminated when you are standing at the corner of your dock. When secured with our anchors, chains and shock absorbers, your dock will be safe and secure for the season.
Our DockinaBox® sections can be attached with our exclusive Locking Hinge design that allows for two dock sections to act as one, making for endless design options.